We all know we are stressed, running with our busy schedule and have lot many things to focus on. Ever felt, that while trying to make a living we forgot to live? To unwind from my crazy lifestyle and virtual world that I live in, with real-time connectivity and every thing being mentioned "High-Priority", I lost my focus. No peace, No patience and constant temper issues. That is when I opted for meditation. Honestly, I lose my focus on pranayama badly, So my friend suggested Chakra Dhyana. And then my life was never the same again. It is a most beautiful and holistic meditation. It won't take your more time and will leave you peaceful.
What is Chakra Dhyana?
The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel or disc. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. There are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. The energy that flows through these chakras is called the Kundalini shakti,(Supreme universal power) the prana, the life force.
Chakra Dhyana helps to align the energy flowing between all the chakras and harmonises the individual.
Each chakra denotes a specific energy-
What is Chakra Dhyana?
The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel or disc. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. There are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. The energy that flows through these chakras is called the Kundalini shakti,(Supreme universal power) the prana, the life force.
Chakra Dhyana helps to align the energy flowing between all the chakras and harmonises the individual.
Source: oneness-sg.blogspot.com
- Mooladhara Chakra, Swadhisthana Chakra and Manipura Chakra are chakras of matter.
- Anahata Chakra is the connection between Matter and Spirit
- Vishuddhi Chakra, Ajneya Chakra and Sahasrara Chakra are chakras of Spirit.
First Chakra : Mooladhara (Root Chakra)
It is the chakra of stability, security and our basic needs. The opening of this chakra leads to a feeling of security and safety.
Location: Base of spine in tail bone area
Beej mantra : Lang
Second Chakra : Swadhisthana (Sacral Chakra)
It is the chakra relating to sensual abundance, welling, pleasure and sexuality. The opening of this chakra leads to accepting others and enhances our creative expression & experiences.
Location: Lower abdomen, about two inches below the navel and two inches in.
Beej mantra : Vang
Third Chakra : Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra)
This chakra is the source of our personal power, our ability to be confident and in control of our lives. The opening of this chakra leads to self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem.
Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area
Beej mantra : Rang
Fourth Chakra : Anahatha (Heart Chakra)
The fourth chakra, middle of the seven chakras unites the lower three chakras (chakras of matters) with the upper ones (chakras of spirit). The opening of this chakras enhances our ability to love and connect to every being in this world.
Location : Centre of chest just above the heart.
Beej mantra : Yang
Fifth Chakra : Vishuddhi (Throat Chakra)
This chakra is the source of our verbal expression and the ability to speak our highest truth, eloquently and appropriately. When heart and tongue cooperates, what we speak makes sense. The opening of this chakra leads to improved communication, ease in self-expression of feelings and thoughts.
Location : Throat
Beej mantra : Hang
Sixth Chakra : Agnya (Third Eye Chakra)
This chakra is our centre of intuition (also known as sixth sense). The opening of this chakra improves our intuitive ability, imagination and the ability to think and make decisions.
Location: Forehead between the eyes
Beej Mantra : Aum
Seventh Chakra : Sahasrara (Crown Chakra)
This is the chakra of enlightenment and spiritual connection to our higher selves, others and ultimately to the Universe. The opening of this chakra leads to inner peace and pure bliss.
Location : Crown of the head
Beej mantra : Augum Shakti Aum
How to Do-it?
- Select a comfortable place. If you have a terrace or open balcony, you could do it there. Or any non-disturbance zone in your home is alright.
- Sit with your eyes closed, spines erect but not rigid. Rest your hands on your thighs facing up and select the fingers postures as shown in the image above.
- Take several long breaths and focus on it. As you start with a chakra start to focus on the area shown in the image for the specific chakra.
- Begin with Mooladhara Chakra - Say " Om Mooladhara" . Visualise its red colour and slowly say "Lang" for few minutes (as much time as you wish) then visualise the chakra turning into golden liquid as you say "Kundalini Arohanum" several times.
- Next Swadhisthana Chakra - Say "Om Swadhisthana" . Visualise its orange colour and slowly say "Vang" for few minutes, then visualise the chakra turning into golden liquid as you say "Kundalini Arohanum" several times.
- Next Manipura Chakra - Say "Om Sri Mani Padme Hum" . Visualise its yellow colour and slowly say "Rang" for few minutes, then visualise the chakra turning into golden liquid as you say "Kundalini Arohanum" several times.
- Next Anahata Chakra - Say "Om Anahata" . Visualise its green colour and slowly say "Yang" for few minutes, then visualise the chakra turning into golden liquid as you say "Kundalini Arohanum" several times.
- Next Vishuddhi Chakra - Say "Om Vishuddhi" . Visualise its blue colour and slowly say "Hang" for few minutes, then visualise the chakra turning into golden liquid as you say "Kundalini Arohanum" several times.
- Next Agneya Chakra - Say "Om Agneya" . Visualise its indigo colour and slowly say "Aum" {pronunced AAAOOM 3:2:1 ratio) for few minutes, then visualise the chakra turning into golden liquid as you say "Kundalini Arohanum" several times.
- Next Sahasrara Chakra - Say "Om Sahasrara" . Visualise its violet colour and slowly say "Ogum Satyam Aum" for few minutes, then visualise the chakra turning into golden liquid as you say "Kundalini Arohanum" several times.
Hope this article was helpful. Please feel free to comment. Please ensure caution, many people experienced vibrations during this meditation.
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