My dream school

I dream of a school,
with huge lawns and parks
Engulfing me in wisdom's womb.
Lets melodious chimes be my alarm,
I rush into class, to a joyous Mam.

She would teach me how the life evolves,
How to smile, when the world is falling apart.
Show me beauty in grayscales of life,
Why the mice, horses and I,
are brothers and pals;
Why are we so different
Yet kids of single Mom.

Teach me to laugh out loud,
Experience the present,
Not to dread about future or past.
Teach me to sing, swim and dance,
together with friends,
Not to compete with all.

Teach me unity and harmony,
Protecting honor, in the spineless world.
Let me soil my hands,
And value every life on earth.
Teach me to love, not scorn.

Let me fall and rise,
Be my guru in every phase of life,
Teach me later science, maths and arts,
But first to be a Man.


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