The Attraction

When the wind gushes through silts,
Breaking the charms
Your words instill.
I know what transpires in your heart
What I want, is faint with fog.
For long my body has not melted in arms,
haven’t been with a guy at all.
Through all my lonely nights I thought,
When will I feel his warmth at last?  
I wish to run away from desire,
The shady greed, I have in for you,
I do wish surrender,
To the magic you brew.
Alas, I couldn’t, as am still in love,
With the guy, I am wedded to.
So though am enchanted
by words, you sew,
My heart melts each time I let go of you,
My body breaks into engulfing battle.
Still, I will walk through,

Without touching you. 
